I understand your frustration in trying to figure everything out. When I learned, I was working in a Principle Approach school and was not alone--quite a difference. But you really aren't alone either. There is tons of help out there. Take advantage of the people who will help you. I can answer your questions, but 1st allow me to let you know that I also have a Principle Approach planning blog you may find helpful as well. The address is www.principleapproachplanning.blogspot.com.
You are correct about the Classical approach only because its roots lie in Greek and Roman education. Because these were pagan cultures, they didn't include a lot of God. What we use in Christian education now has simply had some scripture added in and some Christian discussion. However, what we do is similar. For example, instead of the Socratic method of reasoning, we use questioning and leading ideas. We pattern our method of education after Jesus. It is helpful to read through the examples of his teaching we have in the Bible. He asked lots of questions; he told stories; he led his learners to find and own the answers to the questions themselves. This gives true ownership of learning--as opposed to simply telling someone how things are. They don't retain the information by simply hearing it. The difference between the classical method you are familiar with and Biblical classical is the source. Greece and Rome being the source of one and the Bible and the examples we have of God's teachings in the Bible and Jesus's--and Biblical principle in the other.
Because you should have worked with questioning strategies in the Classical Approach, you'll be a bit more familiar with that in the Principle Approach. The Principle Approach is so called because we work from Biblical principle for every subject. I had a friend over walking the other day. She is getting ready to teach PE in a PA coop. She asked me about extracting Biblical Principle for this subject. First, we have to remember that everything is revelational of God. He loves stories and examples [leading ideas]. So every subject will lead us directly to God. In PE, we can learn about the work it takes to put on the full armor of God. PE is a tangible example of that. So God's principle of being ready in season and out of season is a great one for PE.
In your case you are very fortunate because your children are still at the age that you could use the preplanned lessons in their intruction. This would give you a year worth of learning under the lesson plans of a master PA teacher. You could do it again with your younger children next year, and plan other things for your older child. I would plan on using the Noah Plan Lessons for 1st grade and for 3rd grade. I know you have a 4th grader, but the lessons in the 3rd grade book are advanced enough to use them with your 4th grade student. I have used them even with highschoolers before. As long as they aren't repeating information you are fine, and your children were doing something else last year. The other thing to remember is a lot of options are given, and you may not have time to do everything. That's okay as well. Go at your children's pace.
The only addition to the Noah Plan lesson books would be your Spalding reading and spelling. This is chosen because of its wholistic approach--teaching from whole to part, and the mathematics program [RightStart]. You will find information on these at www.spalding.org and www.alabacus.com. Both organizations are very willing to help, and I have used both of these and can help as well. The RightStart people will visit with you about your children over the phone to help you in obtaining the correct level for each child.
The big thing is don't panic.There is a lot of information. God only holds you responsible for what you have already learned, and that is what he's prepared your children for as well. This should be a pleasure and a learning time between you and your God--not a heavy stress. Take things one step at a time. Everything will work out perfectly. A great teacher is a great student--one who is always learning. I don't have this all down pat. I learn and grow and change all the time. I think that's how God designed things anyway.
If you have specific questions about the method, I'd be happy to help you with those as well.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
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