Thursday, April 2, 2009

Have You Ever Had a Tough Season and Wondered What to Do about School?

Randy and I have had some major hiccups this winter. One of our sons was down with the flu for a week; then I got an even better case of it--I was down for two weeks. We had a wedding in the family and then the accidental death of the groom's sister the day after the wedding. Then 2 more deaths of close family members. We had a need to change churches (that can be and was a bit it a trama for everyone). And I have agreed to care for 4 more blessings in child form from our extended family.

One thing that has helped me was that as God knew this was going to happen, there were several articals in the January/February Homeschooling Today magazine that encouraged me with beginning again, and how much to focus on 'catching up'. If you find yourself in a similar situation with needing a restart for any reason, whether of your own making or not, this is a valuable issue to read. I was greatly encouraged and I urge you to get a copy.

I've had some concerns from others that I was not going to continue this blog, but we all have these bumps in our lives and the best thing we can do is keep the faith, keep our eyes on Jesus, and never give up, never, never, never.

There has been a lull in my writing, and I may not write as often until I get used to my new normal and get our school on a continuous track again. But I'm still here and you can still email me if you have a more specific question. Find me here or on the mentors page at

Blessings to you and yours.

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