Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Principle Approach Training Site

Hello...I'm so sorry I wasn't able to pursue this blog as actively as I started for the last school season. I have changed my email and you may now reach me at fbcbfprays@gmail.com.

I wanted to share with you that you can get this sort of training now at http://www.principleapproach.org/, and this is a professionally run site not distracted by needs other than the Principle Approach. There is, however, a small membership fee at the entry level with larger fees for more services. If you would like to continue with my free service, please let me know. I am not as efficient as they will be since I do this around homeschooling my own children and running a family business.

Emailing me directly is the best way to communicate with me about this matter. I am not closing down the site, and will continue postings, but it will help me to know how many people are using it.

Thank you and best wishes in your continuing pursuit of the Principle Approach.

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