Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Problems with Inappropriate Comments on Blogsite

Hello again,

I've been looking through some of the comments and have seen that there are some people that are adding eronious comments to our posts. I'm working on deleting them. I have noticed, however, that they've been going on for awhile and some of them are fairly recent. I will attempt to keep up with deleting them, and will lodge the appropriate complaints.

I have desired to keep this an open forum, so if this is not a topic with which you are actively involved I would ask that you not comment on the blog. If it becomes apparent that this cannot be self-governed, I will be forced to make this a membership only blog. There is no cost to me in this; it just adds some extra sign one tasks to the bloggers and to myself in monitoring that.

As for those of us involved in the conversation...it should be not surprise to us that we would run in to a little opposition here. Let's just step around it. Have a great day.

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