Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sample Lesson Plan Format

This format came from the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE). You can interact with them at www.face.net.

Sample Lesson Plan Format
Subject:_______________________Lesson Topic/Title:_______________________
Leading Idea:________________________________________________________
Key Words:__________________________________________________________
(These will be taken from your topic and leading idea and used in a word study. This will launch your lesson and help identify Biblical principles).
Biblical Principles:_____________________________________________________
(Begin by identifying one of the seven principles of America's Christian Character where applicable and then relate any additional principles identified through your research of the topic citing related Scripture verses.)
(Use you descretion based on time constraints and the age of your children to determine the amount of research that will be done before or with your children. For a tutorial, see "Designing Curriculum Using the Four R's," The Noah Plan Self-Directed Study in the Prinicple Approach, FACE, 2004, p. 110)
  1. Written material assigned for reading and any other supplemental resources, ie., videos, audio tapes, etc.
  2. Key individuals
  3. Word studies or simple definitions
  4. God's Word, the Bible


  1. Assign reason questions based on content
  2. Assign reason questions relating content to God's Word (This step makes for good family/round-table discussions that can be done orally allowing for seemingly less notebook work. Predetermined questions from your lesson preparation may be needed.)


The content should now be applied to the student's life through reflective work that may or may not include what is recorded in notebooks. Enrichment related to the study outside of the classroom will enable the student to relate the material with purpose and meaning. Guide you children in relating the lesson to the Word of God with relevance to their own lives. This can also be recorded in notebooks as a summary paragraph.


Your child's learning should always be memorialized through notebook work that reflects his/her research, reasoning, and comprehension ability. This is where you may utilize any of the methodology components described on pp. 23-25 (The Noah Plan Self-Directed Study in the Principle Approach).

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